Hydronisk teori

Vi ved et og andet om hydronisk konstruktion – det er faktisk os, der har opfundet det! Her kan du lære noget om teorierne bag det, vi er bedst til.​

Ja, vi laver FREMRAGENDE produkter, som giver dig mulighed for at skabe suveræne HVAC-løsninger, men det har taget os årtiers omfattende forskning og innovation at gøre os til det, vi er i dag.​

Find ud af alt hvad du behøver for at optimere HVAC-anlæg

Vi har udviklet en omfattende database med tekniske artikler og informationer om teorien bag vores hydroniske konstruktionsprodukter og -løsninger, og den deler vi gerne med dig. Så kig dig lidt omkring – vi er sikre på, at du vil finde alt, hvad du har brug for at vide for at levere energieffektive, indregulerede og optimerede HVAC-løsninger.​

Balancing of Domestic Hot Water Systems

​​​​​In domestic hot water distribution, temperature of water in the pipes drops significantly when consumption is low or zero. As a result, people get disappointed to wait so l...

Dividing a hydronic system in modules

In theory, it is sufficient with one balancing valve per terminal unit to create the correct repartition of flows in the distribution system. But this requires that the preset value ...

Balancing of typical systems

Balancing of hydronic plants requires some specific conditions that will be analysed bases on some examples.

Hydronic balancing & stabilisation of the differential pressures​

The main objective of heating and air conditioning plant design is to obtain a comfortable indoor climate, at minimal energy costs and without operational problems.

The TA Balance Method

The TA Balance Method is a computer program built in the balancing instrument CBIII​​ with the same three main advantages of the Compensated Method plus the possibility for one ...

Optimizing hydronic distributions for energy efficiency

​​​​​We present the technical article, based on the scientific work, written by Jean-Christophe Carette, Director of Hydronic College and Eric Bernadou, Senior Marketing Manager.  ...

Flows must be compatible at system interfaces

Well-designed HVAC plants deliver comfortable and efficient indoor climates at minimal operating costs

Balancing Protocol

The aim of balancing is to apply adjustment of flow rates to achieve design requirements


The Compensated Method is a further development of the Proportional Method, with three main advantages. 

Indregulering og regulering af mindre varme- og køleunits

Hos TA, mener vi at man skal bruge det rigtige værktøj, til enhver opgave. Derfor giver vi nogle løsninger til indregulering og regulering af mindre terminal units.

De tre nøgler til perfekt hydronisk regulering

For at opnå det ønskede indeklima ved så lavt energiforbrug som muligt, skal tre betingelser være opfyldt.