Renovation of Educational Units
Renovation of Educational Units of City Buzau
The Project
This was a public procurement project in the city of Buzau, Romania, where 50 schools were left without central heating due to the deterioration of the HVAC system. The project was secured by IMI Hydronic Engineering in 2019, together with one of our long-standing customers in Romania, Elsaco Electronic, a system integration company.
The Hydronic Challenge
Despite the thermal power plants being new, the heat supply pipes of the schools were very old and heavily deteriorated, needing extensive rehabilitation work. As a result, the system did not work correctly, and the buildings could not be supplied with adequate heat. Also, due to the level of the deterioration, it was not possible to carry out a proper in-depth assessment of the pipework.
The Solution
We worked together with Elasco Electronic to create a complete solution for our client, which included setting up 27 thermal power stations near the schools connecting the buildings to multiple heat sources administrated by the district heating company.
Due to the number of power stations, we needed to provide a solution that would ensure sufficient water pressure and protect the system from degradation. To ensure effective heat distribution amongst all the buildings, we installed Pleno P to ensure that the system contained the right amount of water. As it was not possible to assess the state of the oversized pipes, we had to assume there would be a substantial amount of water in the system. To ensure optimal pressurisation, we installed an oversized pressurisation system. We decided to install our Transfero TV pressurization equipment with an integrated vacuum degasser, which is 50% more efficient than most vacuum degassing systems. Transfero TV is also suitable for applications where high performance is essential and is also perfect for high demand environments such as this. Finally, to protect the pipes and the power stations from dirt related degradation and ensure the effective removal of dirt and magnetite, the Zeparo G-Force dirt separator was installed. The Zeparo G-Force is nine times more efficient at removing even the smallest dirt particles, can be installed in any position, making it practical for retrofit and renovation.
Products Used
Transfero TV, Zeparo G-Force, Zeparo Cyclone, CV2016/316 GG, Pleno P, Statico, DLV, Actuators, etc.